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L.A. Roofing Material, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA

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L.A. Roofing Material, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA

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L.A. Roofing Material, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA

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Find Our Pros in Your Neighborhood

NEMEON is a purchasing cooperative comprised of over 120 independent roofing and siding distributors with over 400 locations nationwide. NEMEON members create strong, mutually beneficial and sustainable partnerships with the industries' premier suppliers. These suppliers extend to the NEMEON members quality products, fair pricing, superior service, and a first-rate reputation. In turn, NEMEON members can offer the same superior customer service and pricing to local and regional roofing contractors, general contractors, project managers, and commercial developers across the United States. We are pros for pros.

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Support Locally Owned Businesses

A cooperative business belongs to the people who use it... people who have organized to provide themselves with the goods and services they need to succeed. Across America, 120 million people are solving problems and enjoying a better life because of their co-ops. People have formed 47,000 cooperatives for farming, banking, housing, childcare, health care, electric and telephone service, food retailing and other goods and services. They trust their co-ops to help them find solutions.

To achieve success in this jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise, there is a basic set of principles that cooperatives practice. These are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, cooperative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.

A cooperative is one way for independent business owners - the backbone of Main Street USA - to prosper and effectively meet the challenge of chain stores and big box competition.

When you support a locally owned company:

  • Profits remain local and are invested in the community rather than foreign countries or different states. This re-investment benefits surrounding businesses and the community.
  • Local businesses support local charities, events, teams, churches, and organizations; owners, managers and employees are integral to and contribute to the community because they are part of it.
  • Local businesses offer choices that chain or national companies don’t: they tailor their inventories and services to meet the specific needs of the local community which results in better service and quality to customers.
  • Independent businesses are owned by people who live in the community and are committed to investing in it. Local business owners are much more accessible than executives of large corporations.
  • Small local businesses are the largest employer nationally and, in the community, provide the most jobs to its residents.
  • Local businesses hire people with a better understanding of the products they are selling and take more time to get to know customers.
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3 Generations

Gw Murphy Family of Businesses Graphic


Dealers Supply Co. 

Dealers Supply Co. began in 1920 with Austin Francis and his three sons George, John, and Carroll opening Francis Brothers Feed and Seed in Portland, Oregon, shortly after moving from Nebraska. The Francis family endeavored to make a living supplying Portland’s farmers with feed, seed, and farm supplies; something they knew a lot about since they had been farmers for generations. The business of selling farm supplies was very successful, and soon three stores grew to five. This success brought “Dealers Supply” into existence in 1927, when the Francis brothers decided to purchase their primary feed and seed supplier. Over time, Dealers Supply expanded by purchasing nearby and adjoining structures and in 1976 relocated their offices to the other side of the block, where they remained until 2013.

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